Replacement For Several Damaged Or Missing Teeth 

There are several options how you can restore multiple missing or damaged teeth, but none come close to having the same benefits of teeth implants. Thanks to the advancements in dental technology, teeth implants are widely considered as the best solution for the restoration of any number of damaged or missing teeth. Not only do dental implants have the cosmetic benefit of having a natural look, they also are much more durable and comfortable than any other form of restorative dentistry. 

Implant Supported Bridge

When it comes to replacing several missing or damaged teeth, a dental treatment method known as Implant Supported Bridge can be use used. This treatment method is used when a patient is missing several teeth on one side that requires several dental crowns to be placed. Using multiple teeth implants as the anchors of the dental bridge, several dental crowns can be placed into the patient’s mouth.

As an example, you can see in the image, that 2 dental implants can hold 3 dental crowns together on one dental bridge. When it comes to the cost of teeth implant bridges, they are often considered as a much more affordable option for restoring several damaged or missing teeth

As an example, you can see in the image, that 2 dental implants can hold 3 dental crowns together on one dental bridge. When it comes to the cost of teeth implant bridges, they are often considered as a much more affordable option for restoring several damaged or missing teeth

When it comes to replacing several missing or damaged teeth, a dental treatment method known as Implant Supported Bridge can be use used. This treatment method is used when a patient is missing several teeth on one side that requires several dental crowns to be placed. Using multiple teeth implants as the anchors of the dental bridge, several dental crowns can be placed into the patient’s mouth.

Implant Supported Bridge

In the longer term, implants are aesthetic, functional and comfortable. Gums and bone can recede around a fixed bridge or removable partial denture, leaving a visible defect. The cement holding bridges in place can eventually wear away, allowing bacteria to decay the teeth that support the bridge. In addition, removable partial dentures can move around in the mouth, become ill-fitting as the bone in the jaw shrinks further and reduces your ability to eat certain foods.

​Firstly, implants, which are titanium screws are placed into the jawbone to act as the ‘roots’. The number of implants required will vary from case to case and this will be discussed during your consultation. These are then left in place to integrate with the bone to form anchors for the artificial teeth. You may be provided with a temporary bridge or the implants will be ‘covered’ over. As the dental implants integrate with your jaw it actually helps to preserve bone levels.

​After this healing period, which is usually 4-6 months, the implants are ‘uncovered’ or the temporary bridge is removed. A small extension in the form of a metal post, known as an abutment, is fixed to the implants. The bespoke permanent replacement bridge created for you by our chosen dental laboratory is then attached to the abutments.

​The whole process will be complete in around 6-9 months. Dental Implants are so natural looking and feeling, you may forget you ever lost some teeth.

Dental Bridges


There is little that has a greater impact upon one’s personal appearance than the space created by the loss of a tooth. Furthermore, the teeth adjacent to the space can drift out of alignment and compromise the oral hygiene efficiency if left untreated. This can cause increased susceptibility to gum disease and may lead to tooth decay in these areas. There are 3 main ways of filling a gap- a denture, a bridge or an implant. Bridgework replaces a missing tooth, or teeth by attaching a replacement tooth onto the natural teeth at the end of the gap. For most people such an option is far more desirable than a partial denture.

There are two main types of bridgework – Adhesive and Conventional.


dental bridge

This very conservative technique involves bonding a metal wing to the inner aspect of an adjacent tooth or teeth with special adhesives. The replacement tooth is held in place by this wing. The bonding procedure is very technique sensitive. Done well, in most cases towards the front of the mouth they are generally very reliable, for back teeth, the success rate is reduced. This type of bridge is sometimes used as a permanent solution, and also as a temporary answer during implant treatment.

Does it matter if I have missing teeth?

A natural smile and a healthy mouth are important for your confidence, but it is important to replace missing teeth for health reasons as well.

Some of the health reasons to replace missing teeth are:

  1. If you have missing teeth, the way your jaw opens and closes can be affected. This can result in a condition called TMJ dysfunction (or TMD), which is extremely painful and requires surgery in extreme cases.
  2. Gaps between the teeth can allow the movement of other teeth into these spaces. These surrounding teeth become increasingly susceptible to decay and gum disease, which can result in them being lost as well.
  3. Once teeth have gone, it results in bone loss. This not only shortens your face and ages it, but can cause other teeth to become loose which are then at risk of falling out. Your features droop and can appear prematurely aged.